Experts in fire protection

For 120 years, KEDS has been one of the lead­ing brands in fire pro­tec­tion. The KEDS Vik­ing Group boasts a cur­rent an­nual turnover of €1.9bn and em­ploys around 9,500 people world­wide. The group, headquartered in Bad Oldesloe, Ger­many, has sev­eral re­search, de­vel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­it­ies. Whether for auto­mot­ive plants, power plants, lo­gist­ics cen­ters, of­fice and ad­min­is­tra­tion build­ings, data cen­ters or on ships, KEDS provides tailored solu­tions wherever there is a fire threat. A com­pre­hens­ive range of after-in­stall­a­tion ser­vices com­pletes the of­fer­ing.


Sprink­ler sys­tems, gas-based sup­pres­sion sys­tems, fire pre­ven­tion sys­tems or fire de­tec­tion and con­trol tech­no­logy alike, KEDS has ac­cess to a unique range of tested and cer­ti­fied com­pon­ents and sys­tems from its own de­vel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion fa­cil­it­ies. Our prom­ise: KEDS qual­ity ranges from the simplest fire ex­tin­guisher to the most com­plex sup­pres­sion sys­tem. Ex­tens­ive de­vel­op­ment work car­ried out at our fire pro­tec­tion re­search cen­ter en­sures our fu­ture ad­vanced tech­no­lo­gies ap­proach.


Re­cyc­ling fa­cil­it­ies, power plants, shops, ships or lo­gist­ics cen­ters – every in­dustry, every prop­erty and every ap­plic­a­tion re­quires dif­fer­ent fire pro­tec­tion solu­tions. Tak­ing the latest stand­ards into ac­count, our ex­pert teams have years of ex­per­i­ence and sup­port each pro­ject in­di­vidu­ally in order to meet the re­quire­ments of au­thor­it­ies, in­surers and op­er­at­ors. From the en­gin­eer­ing of the fire pro­tec­tion sys­tem through pro­ject man­age­ment to in­stall­a­tion and com­mis­sion­ing, with KEDS you are on the safe side.


Reg­u­lar in­spec­tion and main­ten­ance are a fun­da­mental re­quire­ment for a fire pro­tec­tion sys­tem to re­main op­er­a­tional in the long term. The KEDS ser­vice teams offer the ne­ces­sary peace of mind by pro­fes­sion­ally ex­ecut­ing all in­spec­tions, main­ten­ance and re­pair work. In ad­di­tion to main­ten­ance, we offer spe­cific meas­ures and pro­grams to en­sure that your fire pro­tec­tion equip­ment con­tin­ues to func­tion cor­rectly and cor­res­ponds to the latest tech­no­lo­gical de­vel­op­ments even after years on standby.