Experts in fire protection


Sprink­ler sys­tems de­tect and re­port fires and auto­mat­ic­ally ini­ti­ate the ex­tin­guish­ing pro­cess with water. The un­der­ly­ing prin­ciple of se­lect­ive ex­tin­guish­ing makes them ex­tremely ef­fi­cient: In the event of a fire, only the sprink­lers loc­ated in the im­me­di­ate prox­im­ity of the fire will be ac­tiv­ated. Im­me­di­ate ex­tin­guish­ing ac­tion using water is taken, while the re­main­ing sprink­lers re­main closed. Sprink­ler sys­tems provide re­li­able fire pro­tec­tion for build­ings and in­dus­trial plants. For spe­cial fire risks, a film-form­ing foam­ing agent can be added to the ex­tin­guish­ing water to in­crease the ex­tin­guish­ing ef­fect.

Clas­sic sprink­ler sys­tems

Un­der­cover Sprink­ler

Sprink­lers from the Minimax Un­der­cover product range are the per­fect solu­tion when it comes to in­teg­rat­ing a fire ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem into a ceil­ing un­ob­trus­ively and har­mo­ni­ously. They are ex­actly what is re­quired when high aes­thetic stand­ards need to be met in pres­ti­gi­ous set­tings such as lux­ury hotel rooms, mu­seums, show­rooms of de­part­ment stores or of­fices.

Ar­chi­tects and cli­ents with a keen eye for design in­vari­ably con­sider con­ven­tional sprink­ler heads and tra­di­tional es­cut­cheons that pro­trude from the ceil­ing to be un­at­tract­ive and highly con­spicu­ous. Vir­tu­ally flush with the ceil­ing and avail­able in a sur­face fin­ish to match your in­terior design, the in­nov­at­ive Un­der­cover-Sprink­lers open up a whole host of new in­terior design op­por­tun­it­ies. In ad­di­tion, they con­tinue to meet the of­fi­cial pre­requis­ites for plan­ning per­mis­sion to be gran­ted and for premium re­bates on fire in­sur­ance to be guar­an­teed.

Pre­ac­tion Sprink­ler

If a sprink­ler is dam­aged, for ex­ample dur­ing works on build­ing fa­cil­it­ies, water may leak, caus­ing dam­age to the build­ing or equip­ment. Par­tic­u­larly in areas with water-sens­it­ive equip­ment, which can have very severe con­sequences for the or­gan­iz­a­tion, for ex­ample the fail­ure of the IT sys­tem.

These spe­cial sprink­lers can can be simply con­nec­ted to the ex­ist­ing or planned sprink­ler pipe­work, provid­ing double safety against the un­wanted re­lease of the sprink­ler sys­tem, while of­fer­ing the same fire pro­tec­tion. Be­fore sprink­ling water is re­leased, both sprink­lers must al­ways re­lease a pre­ac­tion sprink­ler unit. The risk of water leak­age and re­lated dam­age through ac­ci­dental dam­age to a sprink­ler is there­fore dra­mat­ic­ally re­duced.

Pre­ac­tion sprink­lers are in­stalled in sprink­ler sys­tems with wet and dry pipe­work in ex­actly the same way as con­ven­tional sprink­lers. A major dif­fer­ence however is that pre­ac­tion sprink­lers can be wired to a mon­it­or­ing panel. The elec­trical ele­ments of the pre­ac­tion sprink­lers serve solely for mon­it­or­ing and fault dis­play: their re­lease is purely mech­an­ical.