Experts in fire protection

Con­tact us

The team at KEDS are avail­able to re­spond to any ques­tions, provide con­sultancy or sup­ply ad­di­tional in­form­a­tion. Please use the con­tact form below. We will get back to you as soon as pos­sible.

There may be a time delay in pro­cessing inquiries via con­tact forms. For re­quests sub­ject to dead­lines or leg­ally rel­ev­ant re­quests, please use the e-mail ad­dress of the site op­er­ator. E-mails re­ceived there will be pro­cessed in ac­cord­ance with the legal re­quire­ments.

Tel: +982122222

Fax: +982122222


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