Experts in fire protection
8 February 2023 - News

KEDS ex­tends Eco­n­Aqua ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem

The new de­vel­op­ment of the Eco­n­Aqua water mist sprink­ler U16 now makes Eco­n­Aqua the low-pres­sure water mist sys­tem with the widest range of ap­plic­a­tions on the mar­ket. Moreover, it is the only one which is ap­proved by VdS for use in car parks and un­der­ground park­ing areas with a ceil­ing height of up to 3.6 meters.

Con­firmed ef­fic­acy ap­proved by VdS
With its low-pres­sure tech­no­logy, Eco­n­Aqua achieves an ef­fect­ive­ness com­par­able to high-pres­sure water mist sprink­ler sys­tems, mean­ing that the new U16 sprink­ler is just as ef­fect­ive as con­ven­tional sprink­lers. This was proven in a series of stand­ard­ized fire tests in ac­cord­ance with VdS 3883-4 and prEN 14972-5, where the ar­range­ment of vehicles typ­ical of a park­ing gar­age was sim­u­lated in the KEDS fire safety re­search cen­ter. In the fire tests su­per­vised by VdS Schaden­verhütung, it was pos­sible to show that the Eco­n­Aqua low-pres­sure water mist sys­tem provides fire pro­tec­tion with a ceil­ing height of 3.6m sim­ilar to clas­sic water sprink­ler sys­tems, while using far less ex­tin­guish­ing water.

Con­sequently, Mini­fog Eco­n­Aqua has far greater ef­fi­ciency re­gard­ing water used to ex­tin­guish fires than con­ven­tional sprink­lers. This can even mean sav­ings of up 85 per­cent in water in cer­tain cases. Due to the ex­tremely low amount of water re­quired, pos­sible ex­tin­guish­ing water dam­ages in the event of a fire are kept to a min­imum.

Mini­fog Eco­n­Aqua water mist ex­tin­guish­ing equip­ment can also be used to safe­guard against fires in car parks and other areas at risk of frost without the need to in­stall costly pipe heat tra­cing, be­cause dry pipe sys­tems can be set up like with con­ven­tional sprink­ler equip­ment. In a standby state, these are filled with com­pressed air.

Mini­fog Eco­n­Aqua sys­tems also have an ad­vant­age over con­ven­tional sprink­ler sys­tems be­cause they take up con­sid­er­able less space. This is due to the com­pact water sup­ply and the smal­ler pipe dia­met­ers in the pipe net­work – es­pe­cially within sus­pen­ded ceil­ings. This not only saves on con­struc­tion costs. In many ex­ist­ing build­ings, it makes it pos­sible, for the very first time, to ret­ro­fit an ex­tin­guish­ing sys­tem at all.

Con­sequently, Mini­fog Eco­n­Aqua provides par­tic­u­larly ef­fi­cient fire safety in build­ings, not only in of­fices and pub­lic ad­min­is­tra­tion build­ings but also hos­pit­als, mu­seums, ho­tels or even car parks and un­der­ground park­ing areas. This is es­pe­cially the case where dam­age caused by ex­tin­guish­ing water needs to be avoided at all costs, in areas where there is an acute short­age of space, or in places where a con­ven­tional sprink­ler sys­tem can­not be con­nec­ted dir­ectly to the drink­ing water sup­ply.